There are many opportunities offered online today and one of those is making money by placing banner ads on your websites. A website is not just a tool where you can promote your online business but you can also use it to earn money. It’s just similar to how newspapers make money by advertising in their classified ads column. In fact, there are many websites and blogs on the internet that make thousands of dollars every month by just selling advertising space.
What is banner advertising? It is simply advertising banners appearing on your website. These ads usually appear on the top of your site as an interesting combination of text and graphics to get more visitors attention to click through these banners ads on your website. If you target your ads right, it can be a good source of traffic for you and these banners can actually prove to be really beneficial for providing leverage to your affiliate commissions.Here’s how you can make money from banner ads:
• Make your banner ads creative. You need to create ads that work and the best way to do this is creating ads with graphics and text. People may actually ignore it if you only create graphic ads but when they see a prominent text link, they will click it.• Create an Advertise Here or Advertising Page on your website and you will see that there will be lots of advertisers who will contact you after seeing these advertising options on your website. You can also make the most of your earning potential in banner ads by joining banner/selling networks like in Buysellads.
• Place your banner ads at the top of your site as this will help increase your site’s visibility and the possibility of getting higher click ads. Placing your ads at the right side of your website about three-quarters down from the website page is the perfect place to put your ads.
• Use SEO techniques and other promotional tools to improve your website traffic. The more visitors coming to your website, the higher possibility you can get a click through rate.
• Make use of animated ads. Ads that likely to catch more attention are ads that move horizontally.
• Banner ads that show the word FREE are more likely to get clicks as this gets visitors interested about the offer. The word FREE induces them to click the ads.
• Select banner ads that offer solutions to a specific consumer needs. Visitors looking at it will feel that it is important and they may find it something that can solve their problems or questions.
• Track and test your campaign ads. Create alternative banners to compete against your own banners in order that you will know which ads perform best for you. Spend more money on ads that works well and dump those that don’t. This is vital because you have to find out about how effective and appealing your ad and if it is profitable.
As you can see, as the amount of traffic you site gets goes up. The more traffic you can get, the greater chances that you will have a click rate on your ads. If you can get up to 1000 visitors per day, you could easily be looking at $1000 per month for banners ads and this time you are taking in serious money.
What is the correct way for a blogger to approach an advertiser?
We all know that for most bloggers, selling direct advertising is the most popular for making money online. But most advertisers will only approach you once they feel that your blog is suitable for their marketing campaign. At the same time, it is always possible that you feel your blog is popular enough to promote sponsors and you need to bring it in their notice. In cases where the blogger has to approach the advertiser, what is the correct way to go about it? This post provides a reply to the question.
Other Popular blogs
You can do this easily. All you need to do is to go to other popular blogs in your niche. If they have a list of sponsors on their blog, then surely it could be the first place from where you can begin to prepare a list of advertisers who you will approach. This has been one of the oldest methods that has been employed by most bloggers who required sponsors. Sometimes it becomes important to go out and present your blog to potential advertisers rather than expecting them to approach you.
Shoot them a well-written Email
The email which you send to your potential advertiser is a very crucial part. There is a high possibility that there are many other bloggers like you are sending them emails as well. This is why your email should be professional, crisp and written to the point. If you wander from the point – your email can even be treated as spam. There are some important things that you must include in your email. Start with stating your name and your website. Then proceed to state that you are looking for sponsors. And then below have an enclosed document or simply type your crucial site statistics such as Unique Visits, Alexa Rank, Demographic traffic break-up, Google Page Rank tc. Essentially include all the important data you come across in your Google Analytics dashboard – that is interesting for your advertiser.By finding advertisers directly and not through third-party ad brokers like BuySellAds, AdvertiseSpace etc. you are basically spending a lot of your time. All advertisers have a marketing plan to generate exposure or hits from the audience of a particular niche and your task is to run a niche-specific, and advertisers will eventually come.
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