New years eve simply has it all. Fire works lightening up dark skies , sparkling shops with neon signs of “SALES” and not to forget the warmth of your loved ones in cold. Its an awesome night, everyone in good moods waiting to welcome the new year. Its a special night in the seasonal calender which offers the chance to meet up with loved ones and really let your hair down.
So here i have compiled a list of some of the most romantic destinations to spend your new year eve at. Take your loved one to one such place to enjoy the charm of new year eve and cherish the pleasure of these priceless moments.
Times Square, New York

Every year Times Square holds one of the biggest New years eve party which kicks off as the clock turns 00:00. Fireworks lit up the sky and injects joyfull feelings among people. No doubt the ambiance it creates is romantic and can’t be felt anywhere else in the world.
London Eye, London

The Mayor of London Boris Johnson has confirmed that London will welcome in the New Year with a spectacular fireworks display at the London Eye, which will be marking its own 11-year anniversary. I am sure you don’t want to miss this spectacular feat with you loved one.
Santorini, Greece

Universally considered the world’s best place to watch the sunset, the northern village of Oia offers spectacular views of the ocean, the island of Ios in the distance, and the sun dipping into the Aegean. Come here and see the dawn of year passed.
Sydney, Australia

No city parties on new years eve like Sydney does. Well they also do it first too.
Fireworks at opera house and the after party at some club will make your day fabulous.

Las Vegas, USA

When it comes to party, how can we forget VEGAS. Las Vegas offers you the best holiday destination through out the year specially New years eve. Chuck Palahniuk said it right ”Las Vegas looks the way you’d imagine heaven must look at night”.
Dubai, UAE

“Saudi’s and the Audi’s” a famous quote said for people of middle east. They pimp this dessert like a bride and make sure you get to enjoy each penny you spend here.
Eiffel Tower, Paris

How can we forget the most romantic city in the world in our list of most romantic destinations for new years eve. From Shopping to expensive Bars, from fireworks to “Love in air” Paris has it all.
Venice, Italy

How can we forget Venice when talking Romance. This part of Europe is calm and offers you the best you can enjoy to make your new years eve a special one.
Honolulu, Hawaii

As the last major city on Earth to celebrate the New Year, Honolulu, Hawaii is the best place to spend a New Year’s Eve. Every December 31, the city of Honolulu comes alive with festivities.
Some where in North Pole

Well, to me this is undoubtedly the most romantic destination to spend my new years eve. Somewhere near the north pole under the colorful aurora or simply “natural fireworks”.
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